Love you writing and work Anton! Thank you for taking the time to share it. My question is how do you see the Product Designer’s toolkit evolving in the next 10 years or so? Do you think 3D design will become more and more prioritized in digital contexts with the advances in VR and AR technologies? Very curious about your thoughts..

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Hey Cameron,

Sorry for the late reply! First of all, I think 10 years is almost an impossible time span to give any kind of realistic opinion on. As to wether 3d design will become more prioritized then I'm not sure it will (there will probably be trends here too) - but what I do think is that it'll be more important to be able to think about z-index / depth in user interfaces. This will surely impact product designers - not their toolkit but certainly their mind!

As for 3d design, that might very well be more important but perhaps more so for visual designers than product designers.

Thank you for being a reader Cameron!

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Thanks for your thoughtful response Anton! I am currently considering graduate programs for product design (I do not come from a design background as it stands) and these are some questions I feel are important to ask as I consider programs. I value your perspective so this certainly helps with the search. I look forward to your next writing and thanks again!

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Thank you Cameron! Was this a question for me or Matthew?

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Yes it was for you Anton. Apologies for any confusion! Very curious about your perspective on this. Cheers!

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