Netlify now shows your deploy status on its favicon
The colorized indicator overlay solved some of the problems we had with the colorized logos, but a large issue remained. Color blind and vision impaired individuals may have trouble distinguishing the red, yellow and green colors of the dots if they lack any distinguishing features independent of color.
When working with a fraction of 16x16 and 32x32 pixel icons, it may seem like it’s hardly worth including distinct status shapes, but it actually provides important distinguishing features to anyone who can’t easily distinguish colors.
First, we removed a lot of the “noise” from our logo by reducing it to its simplest shape. This helped ensure it looked sharp as a small 16x16 pixel icon and afforded visual room for the increased detail around the status icon.Netlify now shows your deploy status on its favicon
These are the lengths you go when "good enough" isn't enough and when you truly care about your customers. I've said this before but Netlify is becoming one of my favorite services on the Internet. It's one of those rare services that I can't believe it's FREE and I feel like I want to give them money.