All books are now free
These are challenging times and the future is very uncertain for many businesses. Small businesses in particular will face challenges over the coming months as the Corona-virus situation evolves. Instead of panicking, I think it's important to remember this post (originally by Seth Godin). What if we try to use this time to connect with loved ones, slow down our pace, and choose to learn something new.
In order to better support you during this time, I've decided I'll be offering both of my books free of charge starting today (you can select your price from $0 to whatever). So, if you want to learn more about UX, User Experiences that Matter is available here and if you're thinking of going freelance (or just want to up your game) Mastering Freelance is available here.
Stay safe out there my friends and chill with the toilet paper hoarding already.
PS. Did you buy one of my books within the last 3 months? Email me and I'll give you a full refund!