So... tell me what you want, what you really really want 🎶
What email updates do you want?
Get weekly blog updates
If you haven’t found a great RSS reader since Google Reader ceased to exist (6years ago!), but still want to keep up to update with my blog - I have another way for you. You can get a weekly email from me(every Sunday morning) with links to the week’s new posts!
Don’t worry, you’ll still get the bi-weekly newsletter every other Monday as this is just a way to get notified about all of the other posts I write and links I share.
Subscribe to weekly new links & posts here
I’ve been playing with the idea of offering the option for you to get more support from me while adding value for me as well. One idea I’ve been thinking of is offering a paid weekly newsletter. This newsletter would offer far more insights into how I work and more actionable advice on how to advance your career. Think of it as one of my books, but the content is more bite-sized.
I would also give paying subscribers the option to post questions freely and the responses would go out to the entire group(if you're OK with that, you could ask for confidential advice too of course). The paid articles in the newsletter would obviously not be available online either.
Is this something you’d be interested in? As for pricing, I’m thinking in the terms of $1-2/month or $10-15/year.
*|SURVEY: Yes, I would sign up for that|*
*|SURVEY: I'd want more information before committing|*
*|SURVEY: I just want the free emails|*