Stay Humble, Stay Eager 🔥
Stay humble, stay eager
We all had to start somewhere. You and I were beginners at one point, right?
It may have been your first line of code (HelloWorld!) or your first drawing in Photoshop, but there was a first. So, why do we have such a hard time saying, “I don’t know”? This week I wanted to write about my friend who just took up running and how her process of learning and growing was inspirational to me.
Believe it or not, it directly applies to our industry!
Stay humble, stay eager
What I'm reading this week:
WhatsApp Cofounder Brian Acton Gives The Inside Story On #DeleteFacebook And Why He Left $850 Million Behind
by Parmy Olson, Forbes
"For his part, Acton had proposed monetizing WhatsApp through a metered-user model, charging, say, a tenth of a penny after a certain large number of free messages were used up. “You build it once, it runs everywhere in every country,” Acton says. “You don’t need a sophisticated sales force. It’s a very simple business.”
Acton’s plan was shot down by Sandberg. “Her words were ‘It won’t scale.’ ”
“I called her out one time,” says Acton, who sensed there might be greed at play. “I was like, ‘No, you don’t mean that it won’t scale. You mean it won’t make as much money as . . . ,’ and she kind of hemmed and hawed a little. And we moved on. I think I made my point. . . . They are businesspeople, they are good businesspeople. They just represent a set of business practices, principles and ethics, and policies that I don’t necessarily agree with."
Design Matters 18 Video Archive
by Design Matters 18
Dying to find the time to check out some of these speakers at this year's Design Matters.
This week's favorite:
Care to share?
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Until next time, all the best