Trying something new!
Some of my favorite newsletters are ones by Jocelyn Glei’s, Sidebar, The Modern Desk and Tim Ferriss’. One thing these all have in common is that they share links to stuff they find interesting. Let’s be honest, the internet is ENORMOUS and 99% is like really bad mid-afternoon TV (infomercials anyone?). Having these newsletters like these help me find stuff that is actually worth my time.
So, this week, I’m trying something new... Here are my favorites links from the past week. Would love to hear your thoughts about this test run. Good? Bad? More links?
Let’s dive in.
Copywrong - I ordered this book the minute I landed on Tait’s landing page. It’s beautiful landing page that opposes everything we’ve been told about what makes a landing page effective. This is simplicity in it’s greatest form.
Sam Altman’s Manifest Diary - The New Yorker - I’m a big fan of Sam Altman (head of Y Combinator, the most notorious startup facilitator in Silicon Valley) and this long piece on him and his world view is a great read. Recently there has been a lot of debate over the fact that Peter Thiel, advisor at Y Combinator, has spent $1.25 million supporting the Trump campaign. Sam has been pressed by the industry to cut ties with Thiel by, among others, 37 Signals. Here’s Sam’s response.
Stop adopting other people’s anxiety by Mike Monteiro - I’ve referenced Mike many times before. This piece about how we should stop adopting other people’s anxiety may help you look at your business relationships differently.
What happened when I dressed up to work from home for a week - Doing some reading up for my next book, Mastering Freelance, I found this article on the importance of work attire even for those of us who regularly or always work from home.
Riding the creative rollercoaster - James lays out an excellent piece on working in an creative industry and how it resembles riding a rollercoaster - even including the part where you feel like throwing up!
I’m thinking of sending an email like this twice a month so that you can have some interesting stuff to look at. Remember: I love focusing on the user experience, so feel free to reply to this email and let me know what you think! I read and reply to EVERY email.
All the best,
Subscribe to User Experiences that Matter
I write a newsletter every two-four weeks. I'll let you decide if it’s any good but people seem to stay on. In fact, thousands of smart people incl. designers from Amazon, IDEO, Figma and Shopify are subscribers.